Comparing one metric against another


I’m trying to get the right syntax to check whether the node_network_receive_bytes_total is greater than 3% of node_network_speed_bytes.

The query below works:

(irate(node_network_receive_bytes_total{instance="",device="enp2s0"}[1m]) * 8 / 1024 / 1024) > (((3 / 100) * node_network_speed_bytes{instance="",device="enp2s0"}) * 8 / 1024 / 1024)

But when I try to cut the instance=“ from the query above, it doesn’t show anything, no error either.

My goal is to check whether the node_network_receive_bytes_total is greater than some defined percent of node_network_speed_bytes but without having to write such query for every single host, is this somehow doable?

Hm, seems it’s working after all without providing the ‘instance’.