Filtering and selecting by label


How to obtain the most recent metric, by selecting and ignoring labels.

For example, the following query:

last_over_time(application_version{site="NYC", instance="Test", id!=""}[1h])

Returns the following items:

application_version{id="tmo4xpmj", instance="Test", job="application", site="NYC", version="21.1.3"} 1
application_version{id="tmo4xpmj", instance="Test", job="application", site="NYC", version="21.0.2"} 1

I tried with the keyword “without” without no success.

I would like to retrieve a single record to use the last “version” label. In the example above, I would like to get the version “21.1.3” to display it in a Grafana Dashboard.

I think some people must have encountered the same problem with the “go_info” metric

