I have been trying to scrape targets in my Kubernetes namespace using kubernetes_sd_config
. The pods have 2 processes- instrumentation server and application server. With the below annotations in deployment, Prometheus still has 2 targets. Let me know how can I enable it for only a single port.
prometheus.io/port: '8081'
prometheus.io/scrape: 'true'
Welcome to the community.
We will need more details to help you. It also feels like a question related to Prometheus-Operator, did you try to reach that community more specifically?
Hello @roidelapluie, Thanks.
The Prometheus deployment is not done through the operator as we are still not there with OCP(lower version without operator support). What we have is a single pod(single container) that has 2 HTTP servers running(port-8080/port-8081)
Port - 8080 is for application backend APIs.
Port - 8081 is for instrumentation APIs(metrics, version, health)
We only want a single scrape target(pod:8081) but we see 2 targets in our case with kubernetes_sd_config
. Hope I am able to describe the problem.
Can you provide your kubernetes_sd_config ?
Below is the config
- job_name: optisam
scrape_interval: 10s
scrape_timeout: 10s
metrics_path: /metrics
scheme: http
- api_server: null
role: pod
- int-optisam
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
separator: ;
regex: "true"
replacement: $1
action: keep
Could you try:
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
regex: "true"
replacement: $1
action: keep
- source_labels: [__address__;__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
target_label: __address__
regex: "(.*:)\d+;(\d+)"
replacement: $1$2
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It works. Thanks for your help.