Node exporter service not getting start

Hi All,

Any fix for below node expoter service issue.

● node_exporter.service - node exporter for Prometheus
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: start-limit) since Fri 2023-08-11 07:28:26 CEST; 17min ago
Process: 2303 ExecStart=/opt/node_exporter/node_exporter --web.config=tls_config.yml --web.listen-address=:10020 --collector.processes --collector.systemd (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Main PID: 2303 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

systemd[1]: Unit node_exporter.service entered failed state.
systemd[1]: node_exporter.service failed.
systemd[1]: node_exporter.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
systemd[1]: Stopped node exporter for Prometheus.
systemd[1]: start request repeated too quickly for node_exporter.service
systemd[1]: Failed to start node exporter for Prometheus.
systemd[1]: Unit node_exporter.service entered failed state.
systemd[1]: node_exporter.service failed.

Is there any one has found this issue , pls give the solution to fix

Have you tried running the command as systemd tries to and see whether its successful or not. And if not, what you get as the output. From what I can tell, systemd is trying to start it but the underlying process bails out with retcode 1.

You should first try to run /opt/node_exporter/node_exporter --web.config=tls_config.yml --web.listen-address=:10020 --collector.processes --collector.systemd from the WorkingDirectory and as the user that the systemd service is configured to run as (likely root?)