I am trying to build a complete replica of our primary prometheus instance so that other applications, not under our complete control, could access the data without posing any risk to our primary node that we use internally ourselves, and that is production-critical.
To facilite this data replication, I used the Prometheus’ built-in federation solution. The replica’s complete configuration is as follows:
scrape_interval: 4m
scrape_timeout: 3m
- job_name: 'federate'
insecure_skip_verify: true
honor_labels: true
metrics_path: '/federate'
scheme: 'https'
- '{__name__=~".+"}'
- targets:
- '*master-hostname*'
As you can see, I had to set a quite large scrape interval values, as I’m asking the primary node for all the labels and values it has - Such a HTTP request takes anywhere between 2 and 3 minutes to complete. That is problematic, as the replica then provides fewer datapoints than the primary, resulting in less detail in the final graphs we plot from the datapoints.
Is there a better way to replicate data from one Prometheus node to another than federation? Even if through a 3rd party solution.