Prometheus Server on EKS - FailedScheduling

I’m trying to install a fresh Prometheus Chart into my AWS EKS cluster using the community helm-chart repo.

However, alertmanager and prometheus-server pods fail to start. They both show an event warning:

Warning FailedScheduling 10m (x25 over 4h13m) default-scheduler running PreBind plugin “VolumeBinding”: binding volumes: timed out waiting for the condition

Our EKS cluster is using EKS managed EC2 nodes, if that’s relevant. Anyone run into this before trying to set up Prometheus on AWS? Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

I am running into same issue

Hey @wheninneed22, I got this answered on stackoverflow and the solution worked for me! Check it out here Prometheus Server on EKS with Helm - FailedScheduling - Stack Overflow