Tsdb backfill from openmetrics

trying Storage | Prometheus

“–storage.tsdb.retention.time=1y” retention set to 1 year

openmetrics data example

HELP user_accounts_total The total number of user accounts.

TYPE user_accounts_total gauge

user_accounts_total{product_id=“user_web”,service=“web”} 2760 1654120800

date -d@1654120800
Wed Jun 1 22:00:00 UTC 2022

but after prometheus reload i see lot of messages
ts=2023-03-11T15:19:33.368Z caller=db.go:1541 level=info component=tsdb msg=“Deleting obsolete block” block=01GV8M2W2RH4ZW31SVXZ7YSMC7

any tips howto debug why prometheus starts process of “deleting blocks”?

This is what prometheus does after it compresses such blocks into another block and then deletes these blocks since they are not obsolete.