Prometheus its gives error in my docker

Hi, it’s my 1st time in the forum and I’ve never had problems before but now I do and I’d appreciate it if you could help me.

mount my new NAS server with OMV5 in a dell optiplex and it works very well for me, but I wanted to install prometheus with node-xporter and grafana and it is giving me many errors that I will describe in detail with images of all at the end

1st I ran node-exporter:
root@OPENMEDIAVAULT:~# docker run -d --net="host" --pid="host" -v "/:host:ro,rslave" --path.rootfs=host

enter in its all good

2nd create the configuration folder and paste the .yml from my old server:

root@OPENMEDIAVAULT:/var/lib/docker/config-docker/**Prometheus**# nano prometheus.yml

scrape_interval: 5s
monitor: ‘node’

  • job_name: ‘prometheus’
    • targets: [‘’]
  • job_name: ‘node-exporter’
    • targets: [‘’]
  • job_name: ‘cAdvisor’
    • targets: [‘’]
  • job_name: ‘raspi-openwrt-router1’
    • targets: [‘’]
  • job_name: ‘snmp-ddwrt-r9000’
    metrics_path: /snmp
    module: [ddwrt]
    • targets: [‘’]
    • source_labels: [address]
      target_label: __param_target
    • source_labels: [__param_target]
      target_label: instance
    • target_label: address
      replacement: # The SNMP exporter’s real hostname:port.


3rd I ran prometheus docker with:

root@OPENMEDIAVAULT:/var/lib/docker/config-docker/Prometheus# docker run -d --name prometheus -p 9090:9090 -v /var/lib/docker/config-docker/Prometheus/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml prom/prometheus

i open prometheus at and enter service discovery and the 1st error

I enter targets and the 2nd error

ERROR Get "http://localhost:9090/metrics": dial tcp: lookup localhost on [::1]:53: dial udp [::1]:53: connect: cannot assign requested address

and the 3rd error I install grafana
root@OPENMEDIAVAULT:~# docker run -d --name grafana -p 3456:3000 grafana/grafana
and does not run
and log with errors is long but I will place

Error relocating / rl_set_keymap: symbol not found
Error relocating / rl_variable_dumper: symbol not found
Error relocating / rl_bind_keyseq_in_map: symbol not found
Error relocating / write_history: symbol not found
Error relocating / rl_on_new_line: symbol not found
Error relocating / rl_clear_visible_line: symbol not found
Error relocating / rl_completion_matches: symbol not found
Error relocating / rl_completion_mode: symbol not found
Error relocating / rl_add_undo: symbol not found
Error relocating / rl_cleanup_after_signal: symbol not found
Error relocating / rl_list_funmap_names: symbol not found
Error relocating / using_history: symbol not found

This is an installation that I have done many times without any problem but now I can’t find a way to make it work, and I think it’s because the prometheus is somehow looking for the address of localhost:9090 ainsted of and that’s why it doesn’t find node-exporter either and grafana can’t find any of them…

I wish you could help me or give me a clue since I’ve been trying to install it for several days and I can’t

nobody?.. please