Can Prometheus scrape targets from AWS EC2 instances in multiple AWS regions?

I have a Prometheus docker container (v2.35.0) running in AWS ECS, and I’m struggling with configuring it correctly so that targets from EC2 instances in multiple regions are scraped.

My current ‘scrape_configs’ section in ‘prometheus.yml’ looks like this:

  - job_name: ec2_instances
    metrics_path: /metrics
      - region: eu-central-1
        profile: arn:aws:iam::67.....
        port: 18080
          - name: "tag:erlendo:prometheus-filter"
              - erlendo_1
      - region: eu-west-1
        profile: arn:aws:iam::67.....
        port: 18080
          - name: "tag:erlendo:prometheus-filter"
              - erlendo_2

With this configuration, only EC2 instances running in ‘eu-central-1’ gets scraped, and I see the following error message in Prometheus log:

ts=2022-05-13T09:36:47.949Z caller=refresh.go:98 level=error component="discovery manager scrape" discovery=ec2 msg="Unable to refresh target groups" err="could not describe instances: MissingEndpoint: 'Endpoint' configuration is required for this service"

If I switch the order of the 2 ‘ec2_sd_config’ entries, only the EC2 instances in ‘eu-west-1’ gets scraped, and the same error message appears in Prometheus log.

I also tried adding ‘endpoint: “”’ to the second ‘ec2_sd_config’ entry, but then I got the following error in Prometheus log:

ts=2022-05-12T14:09:15.831Z caller=refresh.go:98 level=error component="discovery manager scrape" discovery=ec2 msg="Unable to refresh target groups" err="could not describe instances: AuthFailure: AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials\n\tstatus code: 401, request id: 5a70393a-790d-4114-9925-2ac38d3ff08e"

I don’t have much experience in using Prometheus, so I would appreciate if anyone could help making this scenario work.

I am having the same issue. Any one have any insight on this or suggestions?